TEL AVIV – A new experiment in which two hate-filled Facebook pages were created proves that the social network has double standards when it comes to incitement against Israel. 

Shurat Hadin, an Israeli civil rights NGO, launched “The Big Facebook Experiment,” in which two identical Facebook pages were created with only one difference. One, called “Stop Israel,” was filled with inciting messages against Israel, while the other, “Stop Palestinians” was anti-Palestinian. Only the latter was removed by Facebook as being in violation of their community standards. See the video below for more:


The NGO posted hateful content every day on both pages since their launch on December 29. A post on the anti-Israel page read, “The Zionist bites Palestine part after part and the world is silent. We’ll stop them any way we can,” whereas a similar post on the pro-Israel page read: “Greater land Israel should return soon from the hands of the Muslim enemy back to Jewish sovereignty! We’ll do it in any way we can.”

The pro-Palestinian page vowed to “demolish the Zionist invader” and threatened “death to all the Jews.” Meanwhile, the pro-Israel page called for war against the “Palestinian enemy” with the claim that “more and more soldiers in the IDF know that there is a need to destroy the Arab enemy.”

Shurat HaDin then reported both incitement pages to Facebook to see if they would be taken down. On the very same day that they sent the report, the anti-Palestinian page was closed for “containing credible threat of violence.”  The sister page, however, was deemed “not in violation of Facebook’s rules” and remains active.

The page inciting against Palestinians was closed by Facebook for “containing credible threat of violence” which “violated our [Facebook’s] community standards.” The page inciting against Israelis, however, was not shut down, despite its identical hateful content. Facebook claimed that this page was “not in violation of Facebook’s rules.”

In October, Shurat HaDin announced that it was suing Facebook for being an accessory to terror by not removing pages expressing Arab support for attacks against Jews.