The Times of Israel reported:

Naftali Bennett has a bit of a cold when he sits down for an interview with The Times of Israel in his Knesset office on Monday. He may have caught it a day earlier, when he led a solidarity run through central Tel Aviv — designed to show that the streets were safe, even with Friday’s Dizengoff Street killer still on the loose.

Education Minister Bennett’s athletic response to the Dizengoff attack, which was allegedly perpetrated by Arab-Israeli Nashat Milhem, made for quite a contrast with that of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who came to the scene of the crime on Saturday night and issued a bitter denunciation of lawlessness, disloyalty and incitement against Israel within Arab-Israeli society. And in our interview, Bennett was strikingly upbeat about Israeli Arabs. “Israeli-Arab society is in a very positive trend,” he said, calling Friday’s attack “an anomaly” and stressing that the Israeli-Arab “mainstream wants to be part of Israeli society.”

In a conversation that covered Palestinian terrorism but began with Jewish terrorism, he was also strikingly critical of the radical fringe of Jewish extremists from whose ranks the alleged Duma murderer sprang.

He warned of the dangers posed by a fringe of Jewish “anarchists” with a radical ideology who seek to destroy the State of Israel and “bring the world (down) upon us. It’s the antithesis of the religious Zionist ideology which sees the state as something almost sacred.”

Read the full story.