The Jerusalem Post reports: A senior Palestinian official has suggested that the West ignores the Palestinians when they maintain security, rhetorically asking if they have to resort to “hijacking planes” and “destroying airports” to garner Western support for the Palestinian cause.

In an interview translated by MEMRI on the PA-backed station Awdha TV last week, Nabil Sha’ath asserted that being moderate does not turn heads.

He sought to substantiate his claim by drawing attention to the ongoing refugee situation in Europe: “If the Syrian problem had not been exported to Europe – through refugees, on the one hand, and terrorism, on the other – the Europeans would not have cared even if the entire Syrian people had died.”

Sha’ath stated that the European decision to finally deal with the Syrian crisis was not motivated by good-willed humanitarianism, but rather by a fear that the massive influx of “non-Anglo-Saxon” refugees would alter the composition of the population.

Read more at the Jerusalem Post