Ynetnews reports:  Thousands of Jews,  religious, secular and ultra-Orthodox as well as non-Jewish tourists, gathered on Monday morning at the Western Wall to participate in the traditional priestly blessing during the chol hamoed period of the festival of Passover.

They came to be blessed at the holy site by the priests, descendents of the tribe of Levi, twice during the prayer services of Shaharit and Mussaf.

Opposite the worshippers stand hundreds of priests who cover themselves with their prayer shawls and recite the “triple blessing” which is written in the Torah. “May God bless and protect you, shine his face upon you and educate you and grant peace upon you.” In Israel, the blessing is said during every morning service in which more than one priest participates.

However, the days of Passover enable people to visit the Western Wall and receive a blessing from hundreds of priests simultaneously.

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