The Jerusalem Post reports: According to Danny Danon (pictured) the current Israel Ambassador to the UN, the upcoming weeks will be especially critical.

On May 30, dozens of foreign ministers will gather in Paris for the Israeli-Palestinian peace summit, which is a preliminary event leading up to the peace summit that will take place in the summer in Paris.

The Israelis and Palestinians have not been invited to this preliminary gathering. Danon, who fears that a political settlement will be forced upon Israel, says that we are currently in a state of emergency and so he has begun gathering intelligence. From his point of view, each country that Israel succeeds in preventing from attending the conference will be considered an achievement.

“There’s so much going on – we don’t have a moment to rest,” says Danon. “I’m curious to see who comes and who doesn’t. Even if we wanted to attend, we weren’t invited. So I’m meeting with as many ambassadors as I can to hear what their stance is. The Americans have not yet made their position public.”

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