Ynetnews reports: Following the infection of 12 patients with the hepatitis C virus from a CAT scan at Jerusalem’s Misgav Ladach Hospital, the Ministry of Health has launched an investigation into the standards upheld by the various CAT scans institutions in Israel.

So far, its findings raise cause for concern, as it appears that the same risk of infection might exist in other locations.

The hepatitis C virus can be quite harmful and even life-threatening due to its gradual destruction of the liver. In this case, the patients infected with the virus were exposed to it following the examination of another patient, who had informed the medical staff that he was carrying the hepatitis C virus.

He was therefore scheduled to be the last patient on the day of his exam, and yet the IV kit—which is disposable—was not replaced the next day. The patients that followed him were then exposed to the virus through the used kit and were subsequently infected.

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