The Jerusalem Post reports: Despite the fact that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to update him on Ankara’s reconciliation agreement with Israel, PA sources said Monday that the deal will perpetuate Palestinian divisions and will not help the Gaza Strip.

“Israel and Erdogan’s Islamic party are the only ones who will be served by this agreement,” a Palestinian source said.

The senior official accused Erdogan of ignoring diplomatic rules between friends and completely ignoring the Palestinian Authority by allowing Hamas to continue ruling in Gaza in exchange for the rehabilitation of the Strip.

“Israel will find excuses to cancel the rebuilding of Gaza, meaning that the final result of the deal as far as the Palestinians are concerned will be zero,” the source said. “The Turkish president wanted to get Ankara out of its international isolation, which was caused by his policies. It was sad to see him chase after Israel in order to secure a weak deal.”

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