Ynetnews reports: The Tel Aviv District Police Department (TADPD) has recently discovered a new problematic phenomenon stemming from intense building construction near police horse farms which is rendering its horses unfit for service.

As a result of the incessant noise, the horses, which are constantly on alert to be sent to confront any security situation, suffer from distress and concomitant injuries.

Until a few years ago, there were about 16 active duty horses in the TADPD which were raised in a special farm near the Herzliya police station. Today however, half of them are not fit to serve due to various wounds which they have sustained.

Three years ago, construction work began on tall residential buildings in close proximity to the farms. Unbeknownst to police, the developments were taking their toll on the physical well being of the police cavalry horses themselves. However, as time passed, they became increasingly aware of the recurring injuries.

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