The Jerusalem Post reports: BERLIN – A German university faced scathing criticism from Israel’s foreign ministry for teaching students that the Jewish state is an apartheid government that harvests Palestinian organs and commits genocidal atrocities.

“This is an ugly and outrageous demonstration of Jew hatred. This is not a university – it is a hatred factory. One would think that in Germany of all places people would understand the pernicious nature of hatred and racism under a pseudo academic guise”, Emmanuel Nahshon, the foreign ministry’s spokesman, wrote The Jerusalem Post by email on Thursday.

The HAWK University of Applied Sciences and Arts in the city of Hildesheim in the German state of Lower Saxony has taught a course assaulting Israel’s existence for at least 10 years.

The academic Dr. Rebecca Seidler, who blew the whistle on the anti-Israel seminar, told the Post she was slated to teach a course on Jewish life in Germany, but was presented with course material for a seminar titled “On the Social Situation of Young People in Palestine.” After Seidler reviewed the seminar articles and material, she told the Post in a telephone interview on Thursday, she could not teach a seminar with “such anti-Semitic and anti-Israel” content.

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