The Jerusalem Post reports: Israeli Olympic judoka Yarden Gerbi could get a monthly bonus for her bronze medal win if a bill proposed by MK Oded Forrer (Yisrael Beytenu) on Wednesday becomes law.

Forrer’s initiative would have the government pay homegrown Olympic medalists the equivalent of minimum wage each month in exchange for dedicating one day a week to sports education.

The content of the sports education program, which would take place throughout the country, would be determined by the Culture and Sport Ministry.

The bill would cost the state less than NIS 400,000 a year to pay the current total of seven medal winners.

Forrer said Olympic athletes dedicate their lives to sport, but their injuries often cut their sporting careers short.

They then enter the workforce at a relatively late age and have difficulty making a living, he said, and the country should show them appreciation and make sure they can reach their goals without concern for their future.

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