TEL AVIV – With 300 days of sun per year, it was only a matter of time before some entrepreneurial spirit in Tel Aviv – the famed capital of the Startup Nation – would invent a futuristic gadget for applying sunscreen.

All ye sun-worshipers, hail to SunZee, a wearable sunscreen dispenser that ensures you get perpetual protection.

Resembling a watch, SunZee is a silicon wristband with a little dispenser attached. The capsules are disposable and contain two doses of 40 SPF water-resistant sunscreen and pressing a button  releases them.

It’s perfect for surfers who tend to apply sunscreen once before getting in the water and can spend hours without reapplying.

In fact, surfing was what gave co-founders Nitsan Nir, Heday Kinarti, and Ori Ram the idea.

Longtime fans of the sport, the co-founders realized they were suffering from sun damage because they failed to apply sunscreen at regular intervals when catching waves.

“The idea started with a real need we had,” Nir told Breitbart Jerusalem. “We are surfers and cyclists, we kept getting burnt when out in the sun for long hours.”

“We realized that we had to make the reapplication easy and accessible. The more we learned, we came to understand that this is a daily problem for many people.”

Nir, who lives in Bnei Zion, a settlement not far from Tel Aviv, extolled the educational benefits of their idea.

“We also saw how much our children loved the idea,” he said.

“That was a breakthrough for us. A way to solve a problem but also to be part of better education on protecting yourself from the sun.”

“No more chasing my kid with a bottle of sunscreen!” he quipped.

Nir and his fellow co-founders are taking the product to market with the help of crowdfunding website, Kickstarter. At nearly $45,000, SunZee’s campaign is $5,000 shy of its $50,000 goal.