TEL AVIV – Jews are plotting to convert the entire world – including, if it exists, life on extraterrestrial planets – and are behind all of the recent terror attacks in Europe, a Jordanian journalist claimed in series of anti-Semitic articles published in the country’s Muslim Brotherhood publication, Al-Sabil.

Jamal Al-Shawaheen also claimed that while French authorities have beefed up surveillance of the country’s Muslims, Jews have not been subjected to the same treatment despite the fact that they are clearly behind the terror attacks plaguing France over the past couple of years.

Shawaheen slammed Ramadan TV shows that portray Jews in a positive light, saying they are an attempt to present the Jews as a moral people and impose an image of “the Israeli enemy state” as a natural part of the region.

In one article published in June and translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), Shawaheen asserted that since the “Jews believe that there is no room in the world for more than one religion – their own,” they have launched a campaign of “oppression” that begins by eliminating Islam and then Christianity, followed by eastern religions including Buddhism and Hinduism.

Their plan, says Shawaheen, is to “conquer territory and destroy peoples.”

“They believe in the ultimate motto that the entire world belongs to the Jews alone, and that others should leave it, either willingly or by force – it doesn’t matter where they go, so long as they leave the world,” the article stated.

Shawaheen even went as far as to claim that if life was discovered on other planets, the Jews, in their false belief that they are the chosen people, would claim Judaism is the only religion on those planets.

Everyone else would exist only to serve the Jews in every “humiliating capacity,” writes Shawaheen.

Shawaheen takes pains to emphasize that this is not only the view of rabbis or religious Jews but is widespread among all Jews. He adds that there is no such thing as a “secular” or “moderate” Jew.

This view is based on the Torah, avers Shawaheen, which guided Jews in all their actions throughout history, including forcing “the Roman prefect to crucify Jesus.”

The Jews’ “depraved methods” led to their persecution at the hands of Nazi Germany and also to warnings against them voiced by American presidents, Shawaheen writes.

Shawaheen slams the Palestinian Authority for being in cahoots with Israel and for still believing that peace is possible.

Referring to “martyred” terrorists who carry out attacks against Israel, Shawaheen writes that instead of lauding the heroic actions of “the new Fedayeen,” the Palestinian Authority condemns those attacks. This is exemplified by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’ condemnation of the June 8 terror attack at Tel Aviv’s Sarona mall which claimed the lives of four people. An attack that in Shawaheen’s eyes was “minimal vengeance for everything the Israelis did and are still doing.”

In another article published the same month, Shawaheen muses on the possibility of terrorist attacks during the UEFA Euro 2016 soccer championship in France.

He notes that France’s increased security measures during the soccer championship missed one vital element – the Israeli one.

“Had they explored this direction, they would have found that the greatest danger to their security comes from there,” writes Shawaheen.

“The Jews and their relevant apparatuses are unquestionably behind all the attacks in Europe. France, which is hosting the European championship, should monitor the Israelis and Jews on its soil if it wants to minimize the cycle of anticipated [terrorist] attacks.”

Shawaheen’s third article slams the Ramadan TV series Bab Al-Hara for depicting the Jewish nation “as normal, peace-loving, cooperative, and even patriotic.”

Shawaheen terms the positive portrayal of Jews as a “plague” intended to “spread and promote [the idea] that all Jews have morals and religious obligations, and that it is natural to live side by side with them based on the assumption that they have their religion and others have theirs, without any differences.”

“This is the gravest matter ever conveyed by a drama series watched by the masses [and aired] on major networks. … All this appears to be preparation for imposing the Israeli enemy state [on us] as a natural element in the region,” he concludes.