The Jerusalem Post reports: A columnist for Egypt’s official state media has implied that the September 11 attacks and recent terrorist attacks in Europe were not carried out by Islamist terrorists, but rather they were the work of Western intelligence agencies.

Noha Al-Sharnoubi, who writes for the Egyptian government daily Al-Ahram, said that the attacks were carried out in order to justify “the occupation and devastation of the Middle East by the West and the persecution of Muslims in Europe,” MEMRI reported.

“I don’t know who [the Americans] are fooling, us or themselves. What terror are they talking about and associating with Islam or even with extremist Muslims or people claiming to be Muslims?” she wrote.

Al-Sharnoubi wondered if “[Perhaps Western] intelligence elements are behind the attacks and the bombings, and later Muslim citizens are arrested and killed and simply accused of perpetrating [the attacks] in order to justify what is happening in the Arab countries in the name of the war on terror.”

She suggested as well that ISIS operatives in the group’s propaganda videos were in fact western actors.

Read more here.