TEL AVIV – Kuwaiti writer and film producer Tareq Baddar has slammed Islamic preachers who incite against Jews in mosques and claim that Jews spread evil in the world while ignoring Muslims who spread terror and pornography,

Baddar asserted that even if Israel were to be wiped off the map, Muslims would still continue to slaughter one another.

Baddar began by recounting a sermon he heard at a mosque that mostly comprised a warning against the Jews, “their evil, deceit, cunning, backwardness, and lowliness.” According to the preacher, all the world’s ills are because of the Jews, who “undoubtedly played a part in all wars and disasters, big and small, and that Jews are behind every transgression, every murder, and every act of corruption.”

Baddar asks how it’s possible that Judaism is so reviled by Islam – at least according to these preachers – yet the religion allows a Muslim man to marry a Jewish woman.

He then goes on to list Muslim tyrants throughout history, from the sixth century’s Yazid the tyrant until Syrian President Bashar Al Assad, and notes that his home country tortures its own citizens.

“The sheikh forgot that thousands of evil, cruel Muslims established and run the so-called ‘Islamic State organization’ and joined it, and that they exported to the world models of unimaginable murder, abuse, and expert extermination,” he said in the article translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).

He went on to refute the claim that Jews spread the sins of the flesh by saying the “greatest of the Arab seductress singers is Muslim” – likely a reference to Lebanese songstress Haifa Wehbe – and that “pornographic websites, chatrooms, and apps were made and are run by Muslims.”

Baddar ends by slamming the praise of submissiveness and passivity as a virtue.

“True, the world is sometimes good and sometimes bad, sometimes up and sometimes down – [while] we Muslims sit in our chairs and wait for everything to calm down, so we can take it all,” he writes

But, he notes, even “if Israel vanishes, we will return to our glorious old habit: fighting each other, of course.”