TEL AVIV – With the allegations of anti-Semitism against Steve Bannon quickly collapsing, the far-left Jewish Forward newspaper has trotted out a creative new smear: Bannon is an anti-Semite who loves the Jewish state.

The Forward is a progressive Jewish newspaper that brandishes its democratic socialist roots.

The Forward on Tuesday featured an unhinged piece titled, “How Steve Bannon and Breitbart News Can Be Pro-Israel — and Anti-Semitic at the Same Time.”

The newspaper was attempting to perpetuate anti-Semitism claims against Bannon in light of evidence that he a staunch supporter of Israel and the Jewish people. Breitbart’s former executive chairman was named by President-elect Donald Trump earlier this week as the chief strategist to the new White House administration.

To keep the smear going, the Forward contended: “Yet though it would seem impossible to hate Jews but love the Jewish state, these two viewpoints are not as contradictory as they appear.”

The newspaper’s so-called evidence for this seemingly contradictory phenomenon consisted largely of quoting two professors who claim without offering any actual proof that anti-Semites can support the Jewish state.

The Forward related:

There is actually “little correlation” between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism, according to Steven M. Cohen, a sociologist at the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. To be sure, anti-Semitism is found among the anti-Zionist left. But it is also found among the Zionist right.

“Many people who dislike Jews like Israel and many people who are critical toward Israel are affectionate toward Jews,” said Cohen. …

This duality is a central component of “Trumpism,” said Yael Sternhell, a Tel Aviv University professor of history and American studies. Though Trump has flip-flopped on the Middle East, he has professed an ultra-right view of Israel that would seem to outflank even Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. He also has a Jewish son-in-law, and a daughter who converted to Judaism. At the same time, many of Trump’s followers spout anti-Semitism.

“As long as Jews are in Israel fighting the ‘good fight’ with the Arab world as a bastion of American ideals and values in the Middle East, then they are very useful and admirable allies,” said Sternhell. “Once they are home demanding a multicultural democracy, demanding that the country accommodate their religion, their belief and their custom, that is a different story.”

The Forward also offered as “evidence” baseless claims that Breitbart is a place where “anti-Semitism and Zionism go hand in hand,” and that “anti-Semitic attitudes abound in Poland, for example, even as Poland has a strong diplomatic relationship with Israel.”

While the Forward is quick with anti-Semitism charges against Bannon, the newspaper strongly supported the foreign policies of Barack Obama, who pushed the Iran nuclear deal labeled by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a threat to Israel’s very survival.

The Obama administration also has repeatedly singled out for criticism Jewish construction in the West Bank and eastern sections of Jerusalem, and supported the anti-Semitic Muslim Brotherhood regime while it was in power in Egypt from June 2012 to July 2013.

The Forward has featured numerous articles alleging Trump’s presidential campaign has evidenced racist, white supremacist, and anti-Semitic undertones.

Aaron Klein is Breitbart’s Jerusalem bureau chief and senior investigative reporter. He is a New York Times bestselling author and hosts the popular weekend talk radio program, “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio.” Follow him on Twitter @AaronKleinShow. Follow him on Facebook.