TEL AVIV – Israeli officials here welcomed the inauguration on Friday of President Donald Trump following eight years of Barack Obama’s leadership.

Danny Danon, Israel’s ambassador to the UN, celebrated that a “true friend of Israel will enter the White House today,” ushering in a “new era” at the UN.

“Thank you President Trump for your unequivocal support, we look forward to welcoming you to our capital of Jerusalem,” Danon said. “After the shameful resolution that was adopted by the Security Council, Israel looks forward to strengthening our most important alliance and leading together towards a new era at the UN.”

“Congrats to my friend President Trump,” tweeted Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Israel’s Ambassador to the United States Ron Dermer seconded Netanyahu’s sentiments, expressing hope of making the “US-Israel alliance greater than ever.”

Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat welcomed Trump while slamming Obama for polices that Barkat contended “surrendered to Iranians & radical Islam, abandoned us at the UN.”

In an action widely seen in Israel at Obama’s parting shot at the Jewish state, the White House last month utilized an abstention to allow the passage of UN Security Council Resolution calling the West Bank and eastern Jerusalem “occupied Palestinian territories,” and demanding a halt to Israeli construction in those areas.

Some of the holiest sites in Judaism are located in eastern Jerusalem and the West Bank, including the Western Wall and Temple Mount in Jerusalem’s Old City; the Cave of the Patriarchs and Matriarchs in Hebron, which was home to the oldest continuous Jewish community in the world until the Jews of Hebron were massacred and expelled; the Tomb of Rachel in Bethlehem; and Joseph’s Tomb in Nablus – biblical Shechem.

Aaron Klein is Breitbart’s Jerusalem bureau chief and senior investigative reporter. He is a New York Times bestselling author and hosts the popular weekend talk radio program, “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio.” Follow him on Twitter @AaronKleinShow. Follow him on Facebook.