TEL AVIV – Hamas’ new charter, which is being sold as more moderate than its predecessor, proves that “Hamas was never an Islamic movement,” according to Egyptian jihadist Abu Abdullah Almuhajer, who is active in Sinai and the Gaza Strip.

“Hamas was mistakenly considered among the Islamic movements and also falsely among the resistance movements, said Almuhajer, speaking to Breitbart Jerusalem. “The Muslim Brotherhood is part of the democratic method in which political movements treat man-made laws as the foundation of life and fight for control only in order to exchange these laws for different laws while ignoring the laws of Sharia.”

According to Almuhajer, Hamas’ new charter, in which the movement recognizes the 1967 borders, “is proof that Hamas is part of a plot against Islam and Muslims by indirectly saying that Palestine, which is Muslim holy land, can be part of a compromise with the Jews.”

Almuhajer claimed that the entire state of Israel is being “occupied by the Jews.”

He said that the Quran is clear in its commandments and according to the text, “The Muslims must fight infidels in order to put the laws of Sharia into place over the land. Non-Muslims need to pay a poll tax and need to be submissive. Hamas’ announcement, according to which they’re fighting against the Jewish occupation and not the Jews, proves its lack of understanding of the conflict and proves that its mistakenly called an Islamic movement.”

Hamas announced its new charter on Tuesday in Doha, the capital of Qatar. The two most noticeable clauses in the new charter, besides those recognizing the 1967 borders while failing to recognize Israel’s right to exist, stress that the movement has no organizational connection to political movements outside of the Palestinian territories, particularly the Muslim Brotherhood, and states that the conflict is not a religious one, but a national conflict over land.

According to Almuhajer, Hamas is trying to appease its members when it says its recognition of the 1967 borders has no impact on its refusal to recognize the Jews. “But it’s clear to all that there is a surrender of principles here and as far as we’re concerned, this is an opportunity for all the brothers who believe in Islam in Hamas. Hamas has abandoned Islam. Hamas has sold out the jihad. We’re the address, the Islamic State is the address. We are not manipulators, we don’t compromise and we have no aspirations to rule, only that Allah’s Sharia rules.”

Almuhajer claimed that immediately following the announcement of the new charter, “three Hamas members joined Wilayat Sinai and that’s in addition to seven Hamas and Islamic Jihad members who joined in the few days prior to the announcement of the new charter.” Wilayat Sinai is the Islamic State’s franchise in the Egyptian Sinai.

According to Almuhajer, “We are expecting an influx from the ranks of Hamas to the Islamic State in Gaza, in Sinai and in every place. This could significantly strengthen the Islamic State as well as the mujahedeen brothers. We hope and we’re sure that the awakening of the brothers in Hamas will lead them to the ranks of the Islamic State. We aren’t happy about the calamity of Hamas, on the contrary; we call on the leadership of the movement to reconcile with Allah, to ask for his forgiveness and to return to the path of jihad and true Islam, not the one that seeks to reconcile with democracy, the West and secularism.”