TEL AVIV – A Jordanian TV show recently claimed “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” – an infamous anti-Semitic forgery – proves that Jews are liars and manipulators who harbor secret ambitions to control the world.

Produced in Russia at the turn of the last century, the “Protocols” purport to have been authored by a gaggle of elderly Jewish men engaged in a conspiracy to take over the world. It has been disseminated by anti-Semites, including in Arab nations, since it was first written.

The program’s host Ayed Alqam began the three-part series in April by declaring that Jews are “an ostracized and abhorred people” known “for their lying, fraud and deception, and their sowing of strife.”

He cites the “Protocols” as evidence that the Jewish people perpetrated all the evils that have befallen the Arab world.

Alqam quotes passages from the booklet on how maintaining conflict and wars is in keeping with Jewish goals to control the world and keep the masses in check.

“‘Freedom is not a fact. It is an idea that we use as a bait to lure the masses,’” Alqam reads.

He then goes onto explain in the video translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI): “This is part of the first protocol. Indeed, this is what happened in the [Arab] revolutions — freedom, freedom, freedom.”

He says that the rising cost of living in Arab nations is evidence of the fourth protocol in which Jews enact an evil plan to replace religion with a lust for wealth.

“The cost of living in all the Arab countries is high. Everybody is complaining about the high cost of living, all over the Middle East, as well as about the greed of the traders and their monopoly on food supplies. The [fourth] protocol is being implemented. People have forgotten religion for the sake of money,” he says.

He further claims that the Jews have threatened to trigger world wars if the Arabs fight them, saying, “Let me reassure the Arabs that there will not be a World War III, because the protocol clearly states: ‘In the event that the Arab countries join forces…’ Naturally, it is impossible for the Arab countries to join forces, and therefore there will never be a world war.”

Alqam also says that the Jews have tried to hide the existence of the “Protocols,” saying, “Whenever a copy was published, they burnt it, so that the world would not find out about their infernal criminal conspiracies.”

Last year, a Jordanian cleric cited the “Protocols” and repeated the infamous libel that Jews use gentile blood when baking Passover matzot.

Zionism and Judaism as a whole are often believed to be root cause of all evil in the Arab world, producing anything from the Islamic State and financial crises to pornography, AIDS and even Sesame Street.