TEL AVIV – An Iraqi cleric recently said Muslims should imitate the Jewish people and praised them for having emerged from the Holocaust to win the “respect of the world through science,” while Muslims are seen as “the world’s headache.”

In a sermon titled “Don’t Be Mad. Strong Words. Imitate the Jews in This,” translated this week by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), Shiite cleric Salam Al-Askari said that after the “Nazis killed and burned them” and they were “gassed” and “killed in droves,” the Jews “put their greatest minds into science” and “made the entire world kneel before them, and accept and respect the Jewish nation.”

The cleric continues by quoting Arthur Balfour, whom he says refused entry to Jews seeking shelter in the UK only to become a Zionist 12 years later with the Balfour Declaration, which helped give the Jews their own state. He credits this turnaround to the fact that the “Jews put their greatest minds into science.”

Al-Askari lists Jewish achievements, including the invention of acetone and nuclear power, and describing how the Jews “won over” Europe.

“The Jews suffered,” he said. “The Nazis killed and burned them. They were brought in groups to special places, where they were gassed and they suffocated and died. The Jews were killed in droves. They wanted to emigrate but some European countries banned the Jews from entering. ‘We will not accept them,’ they said. They were tormented in Germany. … Today, when our countries suffer, the youth emigrate to Europe. But back then, Europe shut its doors to the Jews.”

Al-Askari said: “What tipped the balance in WWII in favor of the Allies were the two bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. You’ve all heard about this, right? This bomb that terrified the world was manufactured by Jewish minds. It was designed by the minds of Jewish physicists. Europe declared officially: ‘We need the Jewish nation.’”

The cleric then addresses his Muslim brethren, citing an article he said was published by a European writer asking what would happen should Muslims “be removed from the face of the earth.”

The conclusion of the article, al-Askari said, “was that if Muslims were removed from the face of the Earth, there would be no more headaches in the world – no bombings, no bribery, no plundering and no kidnapping.”

“We are two billion Muslims in the world. How many Jews are there worldwide? Seventeen million. Seventeen million. … There are more people in central and southern Iraq. That is the number of the Jews in the whole world,” he continued.

“How many Nobel prizes in the field of science have they won, and how many have we won, in the last century?” he asked.

“We, with almost two billion Muslims, have won 10 Nobel prizes in a hundred years. They number 17 million, and how many prizes have they won in the past hundred years? Two hundred. They have won 200 prizes, 50-60 of them in physics alone. In other words, if we were to say that the physics of the 20th century is Jewish, nobody could call it an exaggeration.”

Last month, Breitbart Jerusalem reported that more and more Iraqis are showing their support of Jews and Israelis by condemning Palestinian terror attacks.