TEL AVIV – President Donald Trump and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are “much worse” than Hitler, a columnist writing for a Jordanian daily opined, and added for good measure that some of the crimes attributed to Hitler probably didn’t take place. 

The unhinged column, published earlier this year in Al Ghad newspaper, was entitled “How Are Trump and Netanyahu Any Different from Hitler?” It’s author Jihad Al-Mansi declared that “the behavior of Trump and Netanyahu is much worse than anything done by Hitler,” according to a translation by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).

According to Al-Mansi, had Hitler won the Second World War, the world would have never referred to him as a Nazi or fascist, and instead would show reverence towards him and remain silent about the fact that he murdered millions of Jews.

“The U.S. sees itself as the leader when it comes to humanitarian values and tolerance based on freedom, justice and equality, and the denunciation of hatred,” Al-Mansi wrote.

But when its president speaks in a racist, fascist manner about countries in Central America and Africa, and views them as “shitholes,” and when he is the one who has declared in the past that Muslims will be denied entry to the U.S., that many will be deported, that a wall will be built along the border with Mexico and that women who have abortions will be punished, why, these types of statements surpass the racism and fascism of Hitler and Mussolini.

And what about the racist declarations by Benjamin Netanyahu, the head of the oppressive Zionist entity, who said that the murder of any person by a Jew cannot be compared to the murder of a Jew by a non-Jew, or who, for example, described the UN as “a house of lies” when the General Assembly was set to vote on a draft resolution calling on the U.S. to withdraw its recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, and who said that Israel is totally opposed to this vote and that Jerusalem is the capital of the oppressive entity, despite all the international decisions that oppose this, in other words, in defiance of the UN and the entire world?

Such statements are not very different from Hitler’s ideology that the world later referred to as Nazi, extremist and racist.

Netanyahu never made any statement pertaining to the murder of Jews by fellow Jews versus non-Jews.

Al-Mansi’s waxing sanctimonious about abortion is ironic in light of Jordan’s harsh punishments for women who undergo illegal abortions, including up to three years imprisonment. Jordanian women are also not allowed to undergo abortions in the case of rape or incest. However, the prison sentence is lessened for women who perform abortions on themselves in order to “save the honor” of a family member, presumably referring to a male family member who impregnated her.

“The enlightened world, devoid of racism and fascism, did not call Hitler a Nazi, a racist or other terrible names just because he burned the Jews, but also because of the horrifying deeds that he perpetrated … and because of his hostile declarations about the peoples of the world,” Al-Mansi wrote.

“Therefore, I insist that the deeds of Trump and Netanyahu are far graver than the deeds committed by Hitler, some of which may have happened, but others perhaps never occurred, [or else] have been exaggerated so as to garner world sympathy for some cause or another,” he added.

According to Al-Mansi, burning people alive “is not very different from the collective slaughter perpetrated against the Palestinian people by Zionism over the years.”

He continues by saying that it’s possible the number of Palestinian victims of “barbaric massacres” perpetrated by Israel exceeds the number of people “allegedly burned by Hitler.”

Al-Mansi then added, “I am not concerned here with an assessment of Hitler or with defending him, but I am raising a legitimate question about the silence of the world in the face of the racist declarations of Netanyahu and Trump, and the silence of the UN in view of such statements. Is this a case of ‘might is right’ and winner and loser?”

“In light of these questions, I am more and more convinced that if Hitler had won the [Second] World War, the world would not have called him a Nazi, terrorist, racist and fascist, but a leader of a country worthy of respect and appreciation, and the world would have remained silent about his burning of Jews, and perhaps even the surviving Jews would have forgiven him for his deeds,” he concludes.