The Algemeiner reports: The University of Oregon’s student senate passed a resolution on Wednesday endorsing the boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel, and targeting several companies over their alleged complicity in “the Israeli occupation of Palestine.”

The measure, which passed by a vote of 12 in favor and six against, calls on the Associated Students of the University of Oregon (ASUO) to divest and blacklist products from companies including Sabra, Tribe, Hewlett-Packard Company, Sodastream, Motorola, Caterpillar, G4S, and Elbit Systems.

It was brought forth by Students United for Palestinian Equal Rights (SUPER) and endorsed by 30 groups, among them the school’s Multicultural Center and associations representing Arab, Native American, Southeast Asian, Muslim, Vietnamese, LGBTQA, and intersectional feminist students.

Read more here.