The Times of Israel reports: The Iranian Navy on Saturday boasted that it possessed airships capable of carrying out the swiftest missile strikes in the world against enemy targets.

The commander of the Iranian Navy’s Airborne Unit General Pilot Mansour Rouh Ol-Amini told the Fars News Agency that the country had “two models of BH7 and SRN6 airships and they have given us the capacity to declare that we now have the swiftest missile platforms that can fly at a high-speed and leave the region after fire.”

He added that islands in the Persian Gulf act as “aircraft carriers” for helicopters which take off and land on them. Iran’s missile capabilities and its ongoing development program has been a major source of tension with the West, particularly with the United States. US President Donald Trump, who pulled out of the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran and world powers in May, has called for a new agreement that restricts Iran’s missile capabilities and regional interventions.

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