Senior Iran Major General Hossein Salami warned Saturday vengeance for the assassination of Qasem Soleimani will put an end to the U.S. presence in the Middle East region once and for all.

General Salami said the revenge will be quite “painful” and make “aggressors regret their actions,” the local MEHR newsagency reports.

“The response will have definitive and effective outcomes and end the Americans’ presence, so that they will have no place in the Muslim world any longer,” he said.

“However, the quality, time and scale of a response to them remains confidential until enemies receive our responses and all Muslims across the world witness the effects of this confrontation and harsh and crushing response,” he noted.

He said revenge for the assassination of General Soleimani will take place in due time in a wide geographical sphere with major effects.

“Anyone who hosts the U.S. is an enemy of Muslim nations; we are warning them to rethink their behaviour and covert plots; we are monitoring them; they should take care not to fall victim to U.S. policies … and not to pay the price for the Americans’ policy and strategy,” Salami said.

“With the Americans’ presence [in the region] coming to an end, the region will get to enjoy stability, prosperity, balance and security,” he added.

Salami made his grim warning as the body of Soleimani arrived in Iran where thousands of mourners thronged his coffin ahead of a grand funeral procession across the Islamic Republic amid soaring tensions between Iran and the U.S.

U.S. President Donald Trump has threatened to bomb 52 sites in Iran if it retaliates by attacking Americans.

Late Saturday, a series of rockets launched in Baghdad fell inside or near the Green Zone, which houses government offices and foreign embassies, including the U.S. Embassy, as Breitbart News reported.

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