Democratic challenger Joe Biden is favored by 70 percent of Jewish Americans for the November presidential election, a new Pew Research Center survey showed.

President Donald Trump remains the favorite candidate of white Christians, but support among voters has dropped since August, Pew said.

Jewish voters represent two percent of registered votes while white Christians make up roughly 44 percent. About 7 percent are black Protestants, 5% are Hispanic Catholics,  and 28 percent are religiously unaffiliated.

A total of 52 percent of white Catholic voters said they would vote for Trump if the election were held today while 44 percent said the same of Biden. In early August, Pew’s last poll showed Trump as 19 points ahead of Biden.

White non-Evangelical Protestants dropped from 59 percent in the August poll in favor of Trump to 53 percent.

Preference for Trump for white Evangelical Protestants also decreased, with 78 percent compared with 83 percent in August.

The poll of 10,543 was conducted September 30 to October 5, as Trump spent four days in the hospital with coronavirus.

Meanwhile, in Israel, a poll released Tuesday showed the majority of Israelis (63.3 percent) prefer the reelection of Trump, and almost half (48.2 percent) believe U.S. Jews are “mistaken” in supporting the Democratic Party.

Only 18.8 percent of Israelis said they prefer former Democratic challenger Joe Biden, the poll released by i24News and conducted by the Direct Falls Research Institute showed.

The majority believed Trump will be a more favorable president towards the State of Israel and just over half (50.9 percent) of those surveyed saying a Biden win would harm future relations between the two countries.

More than half (53.2 percent) said the Israeli right would be negatively impacted if Trump didn’t win the elections. Another 21 percent responded that “Israel acts independently,” and the U.S. president wouldn’t influence it.

U.S. election interest among Israelis is very high, with 87.8 percent of respondents saying they were following the contest. Of those, 48.1 percent said that the U.S. elections are very interesting for them and they were following closely, while 39.7 percent answered that they are interesting to a certain extent. Just nine percent expressed little interest in the U.S. elections.

A full 48.2 percent of those polled believe American Jews’ support for Democrats is “wrong,” while 35.5 percent thought support was “right.”

Another 16.3 percent of respondents said they were unsure.

Regarding ties between U.S. and Israeli Jews, 47 percent of respondents said that a rift existed between them but were optimistic about the chances of bridging the divide.  A total of 35.3 percent of respondents said their was no rift between the two largest Jewish communities, only legitimate points of disagreement. Barely 12.4 percent of respondents said they believed there was no possible reconciliation between the two communities.

The poll, with a statistical sampling error of + 4.4 percent, was conducted with a sample of 519 adults from all sectors of Israel’s population.