Republican Senate candidate Gen. Don Bolduc said Sunday his campaign has seen a jump in donations from Granite Staters after Sen. Mitch McConnell-backed super PAC deserted the campaign in mid-October.

On October 22, the Senate Leadership Fund, a PAC associated with Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY), effectively sabotaged Gen. Bolduc’s campaign by canceling $5.6 million worth of financial support.

“We are getting a lot of response from that,” Gen. Bolduc told WMUR ABC. “People are donating online. They are sending us checks. They are doing things to help us. You go to, you can do that.”

“I realize it’s hard to ask for money during this time. But people are digging deep to support up to make up that difference that, I would say, was reallocated,” Bolduc noted. “They have to make business decisions. And that’s what I think Mitch McConnell did.”

Gen. Bolduc added his grassroots campaign has contacted over 1 million Granite Stater voters and is the main reason for his success. “I have the strongest grassroots campaign focused on the people. That’s how we won the primary. That’s how we are going to win the general [election].”

Recent polling shows Democrat Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-NH) and Gen. Bolduc are tied (45-45 percent) with seven percent undecided. Gen. Bolduc was down to Hassan by 11 points in September.

Gen. Bolduc told Breitbart News on October 23 that his campaign had momentum against Hassan with or without McConnell’s support.

“The momentum is great right now,” he said. “We were 15 points behind during the primary. We closed the gap to 7-5-3, and now we’re in a tie. The momentum is going our way because we’re campaigning the Granite State way – five events a day is my average out there on the ground – town halls, house parties, community events, you name it.”

When asked about why McConnell removed support from his campaign, Bolduc said he was unsure. “I really don’t know,” he explained. “They [McConnell’s fund] don’t explain to me their business plan. They’ve got a whole country to manage. They’re doing their things and they’re gonna make their business decisions.”

Gen. Bolduc is virtually tied with Hassan, despite being outspent by $9 million, according to third quarter campaign totals.

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.