Almost all Muslim countries have underground Islamic groups hell-bent on enforcing Sharia, Islamic Law, to the fullest. A committed Muslim must live Sharia and claim it as a religious right. Some in the West buy this claim even though Sharia forces itself on others, violates human rights and threatens the stability and security of nations.

Sharia states that a Muslim head of state must be a Muslim, must rule by Sharia, preserve Islam in its original form and reject any change. If he meets these criteria then he must be obeyed the law says— even if he is unjust. However, if the leader does not meet the criteria, he is condemned as an apostate and citizens are encouraged to take matters into their own hands through vigilante street justice: Muslims are obliged to rise up and remove a leader if he is no longer a Muslim, afters the sacred law or makes reprehensible changes. Sharia even goes so far as to say: A Muslim will not be punished for three murders: killing an apostate, adulterer, or a highway robber.

Since its inception, Sharia has plagued Muslim society with turmoil and instability often resulting in coup d’etats, revolutions, counter-revolutions and assassinations. Use of force is allowed from the bottom up and from the top down. A Calipha (Muslim head of state) is allowed to hold office through seizure of power, meaning through force, according to Islamic law. It is not uncommon for a new Muslim leader who emerges after a coup to be celebrated by the masses. But the celebrations never last long since the new leader is certain to get the same treatment by those who are never satisfied unless Sharia is fully applied. The vicious circle never ends. As with communism, under Sharia only the strong can survive as leaders.

Sharia also lists Jihad as a main duty for the Muslim leader, who is entrusted to take his people into jihad again non-Muslim countries: the caliph fights all other peoples until they become Muslim. Muslim leaders who befriend Western nations, treat them as equal and who make peace are regarded as traitors. The worst insult to a Muslim head of state is “Puppet of America.” The reason President Anwar Sadat of Egypt was assassinated was for signing a peace treaty with a nation that must permanently suffer from Islamic jihad.

The mainstream media and our politicians are in denial of any existential threat from Sharia. To them, Islam is just another co-equal, peaceful religion. As far as it pertains to personal faith, that is fine; but Sharia (the political and legal movement) must never be considered a religious right but be outlawed. To this day, slavery and oppression of women and minorities are the law and highly regulated by Sharia. Our president and congress must act to prevent us falling to our very own underground Islamic groups demanding Sharia or else!