Vandalism, larceny, rape, and low-level violence are routine in the “culturally enriched” suburbs of major European cities. Most of these crimes gain little attention the news media, if they are covered at all. The conditions have simply become normal: Muslim immigrants in their ghettoes regularly riot and throw rocks and burn cars. It’s just what they do. Everybody expects it.

The French have an official bureaucratic designation for these malignant urban neighborhoods: zones urbaines sensibles (“sensitive urban zones”), abbreviated ZUS. France has evolved a complex administrative regimen for dealing with these dangerous banlieues.

In English they are commonly referred to as “no-go zones”, highlighting the fact that white people — or at least non-Muslim white people — are not welcome within them. No one who enters such a zone can expect to be protected by the state. Often the fire brigade and ambulance services refuse to enter such areas without a police escort, and the police themselves stay away unless they have a compelling reason to go in — plus plenty of backup.

Rather than “no-go zones”, a more appropriate term for these blighted zones would be sharia enclaves, because they are not merely immigrant enclaves, but microcosms of the Ummah, little pinched-off pieces of Dar al-Islam ruled by Islamic law.

Sharia is all about Muslims achieving and maintaining a dominant position. This is an expression of the attitude and culture of sharia, the “mythology” underlying it. These enclaves all have something in common: sharia courts and sharia “police” who patrol the neighborhood, forcing Muslim women to wear the hijab and making sure that merchants sell no alcohol or pork. They even have armed Muslims acting as guards at the entrances to the enclave.

Within them Muslims have taken over a territory in which they then enact sharia. They have carved out a piece of the Dar al-Harb and turned it into Dar al-Islam. Understood in this way, Muslim enclaves and street crime are part and parcel of the Islamic drive to enforce sharia by legal means.

The German police union in North Rhine-Westphalia wants to make sharia enclaves official, at least as far as law enforcement is concerned. They propose to send in uniformed Turkish police to try to maintain order in their own “sensitive zones” where Turks predominate.

The following article was posted recently at Politically Incorrect. Many thanks to JLH for the translation.

North Rhine-Westphalia: Turkish Police in “Problem” Districts

Because problems that have “immigrated” are not being taken care of any other way, Turkish police in their own uniforms will be deployed in “problem districts” of NRW. Why not just hand over our police to Turkey? In business, it’s called “outsourcing.” It’s great, saves money.

Die Welt reports:

The German police union intends to send Turkish police into so-called “problem districts” in North Rhine-Westphalia. They are supposed to deal with ethnic Turkish youths.

“This cannot go on,” said the provincial head of the union, Erich Rettinghaus, in Duisburg. “Maybe that will be an effective technique. We should give it a try.” The Turks in their own uniforms are to go on patrol with their NRW colleagues.

“The new NRW interior minister is from Duisburg. He knows the problems,” said Rettinghaus. He said that it was no secret, there were conflicts with youths with a “migration background” in certain parts of the city. He did not want his suggestion to be taken in any way as a capitulation or an admission of failure by the German police.

The experiment would be scientifically accompanied, the union chief suggested. As an example, he mentioned the German-Netherlands police patrols. Understanding and integration must not shatter at the EU border.

Let us hope that the “de-escalation attempts” of the Turkish police (see photo) do not stop at the border.