I was invited to Washington to screen BORDER for the House and the Senate. We showed them the reality of the border. We explained the reality of the coming war. Nothing happened. No wait, check that:

Rep. Virgil Goode (R. -VA), the leader whom had invited us to screen it for the House, lost his bid for re- election. He was villified by liberal and progressive critics calling him: “Nativist. Xenophobe. Fear Monger.” Congressman Goode had stood up and said that if we didn’t act, America’s sovereignty would be in danger. Time would prove him correct.


Cartel members have long been bragging and arrogantly performing as if the Arizona territory south of Highway 8 was not American territory, but cartel territory. When the federal Government closed 3500 acres of the Buenos Aires Animal Preserve to Americans, and Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeau also admitted that he no longer has operational control over large parts of his county, the cartel’s claims have been confirmed.

This is war and the Americans are losing.

Like so many of their brother border county Sheriff’s, Pinal County Sheriff’s wear body armor and carry the same weapons as our frontline marines and soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Like their Texas DPS air brethren, Pinal County choppers have taken small arms ground fire. When Deputy Purnoll was ambushed by five drug cartel members, he took AK-47 rounds to the torso, but survived.

As I said, this is war.

With any war, there is sympathy for the refugees. Like any war there are the hoopleheads, sympathizers, traitors and saboteurs.

However in this war, the American people have not had the awakening event that Pearl Harbor and 911 provided. There has been no galvanizing of the American Spirit. This may not have been by chance. Our enemies long ago learned that there is no greater force on the planet than the united will of the American people.

The enemy that we now face is smart. His profits soar above Haliburton’s.

The enemy now recruits assassins and soldiers from America’s own middle schools and high schools. Those recruits that lack the talent for killing may be used in surveillance, record keeping, communications or distribution. Talented youths are often ear marked for tuition free rides to law school. NAFTA has provided a plethora of vulnerabilities for young attorneys to exploit.

This is war on a multitude of battlefields.

Do not be misled. The enemy cares nothing for immigration. To them the wave of humanity is simply a means to greater profits. It serves as camouflage for narcotic shipments and an aid to render the cries of border law enforcement impotent.

The Obama administration will tell you that 95% of all Mexican drug cartel weapons come from retail stores and gun shows in the United States. If only the government could restrict second amendment rights in the US then all the cartel violence would go away.

This is false information. This information was proven false over a year ago yet this administration repeats it over and over again, hoping that the standard mantra will result in millions of Americans accepting it as truth. This is propaganda.

Perhaps if instead of threatening to arrest a taxpaying, camera carrying US citizen, the American government would have said: “Wow, this is wrong. Let’s arrest the guys with the uniforms, guns and contraband assaulting into the country….” then maybe Arizona Rancher Rob Krenz would still be alive.

Perhaps if the Tennessee National Guard troops would have been allowed to stand their ground and defend this territory, then we would not have just ceded it to a foreign military power.

Perhaps if the Federal Government of the United States would only enforce her own laws, then Arizona might not be forced to create new ones.

This is war and America is losing. On an administrative level, she has refused to protect her citizens. The border ranchers have telling us this for many years. The Federal Government’s number one duty is to protect her citizens.

She has broken the covenant with her people. President Obama has chosen not to secure the border for the sake of power. He wants amnesty. The border security card is the only one he holds.

As in any war the only acceptable goal must be victory. Whenever any leader, politician, bureaucrat, organizer, union representative, businessman or activist acts in opposition to that goal, then their motives (and income) must be thoroughly examined.

This is supposed to be the job of a free press, but if the honor and integrity of that profession have gone the way of the dinosaurs, then it is the God given responsibility of every free American citizen to challenge them.

The violence will get worse. More people are going to die. More innocents will suffer.

This is a dirty war. The enemy is not only at the gates, the enemy moves among us.

It is here and now that we must make a stand and we must never, never, never, never give up.

(Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3)