After Pearl Harbor was attacked, the United States declared war on Japan within hours. The enemy was demonized and vilified; it served to channel this nation’s collective anger in the most productive direction. Ultimately, it paid off in victory. Another enemy similarly attacked us on September 11th, 2001 but instead of a Declaration of War against an enemy, Americans themselves were issued a Declaration or Warn – Islam is peaceful and should not be examined – while being told to direct their anger at a tactic used by the real enemy.

The true enemy of America that hit us on 9/11 was the Muslim Brotherhood and its affiliated groups, which include Hamas and al Qaeda, according to Islam expert Robert Spencer. Islamic expert Steve Emerson of the Investigative Project on Terrorism even quotes chief counter-terrorism advisor under both Clinton and Bush – Richard Clarke in 2003, while talking about Hamas and al Qaeda:

The common link here is the extremist Muslim Brotherhood – all of these organizations are descendants of the membership and ideology of the Muslim Brothers.

Other groups under that umbrella include the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), the Muslim Students Association (MSA), and the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC). The details of the Holy Land Foundation trial (HLF), along with facts compiled by Dave Gaubatz, author of Muslim Mafia, further reinforce these claims. Hindsight notwithstanding, it is an incredible stretch to believe the CIA, the FBI, and the White House were all ignorant of these realities; Richard Clarke clearly wasn’t. The most credible reason is that they bowed to a politically correct culture Americans have been choking on for too long.

Instead of declaring war on terror in the days after 9/11, it should have been declared on the Muslim Brotherhood – the umbrella under which al Qaeda resides. Even the term “terror” has become taboo when attempting to identify an enemy our military should engage. Proper identification would have put the onus on groups like CAIR to prove they were not affiliated with America’s enemies, instead of on Americans to prove they themselves were not racists; Islam isn’t even a race but let’s not quibble.

Such a declaration would not have been partisan, either. Richard Clarke notwithstanding, Democrat Senators Chuck Schumer of New York, Dick Durbin of Illinois, Barbara Boxer of California, and Dick Gephardt – formerly of Missouri – all seemed to understand this. Schumer, Durbin, and Boxer all vocalized the connection between CAIR and terrorist groups in 2003 while in 1999, Gephardt withdrew the nomination of Salam al-Mayarati to a terrorism commission because of connections to MPAC.

The one common denominator is the Muslim Brotherhood – the enemy we won’t identify.

Another man with connections to the Brotherhood is Feisal Abdul Rauf, the developer in charge of leading the construction of the thirteen story ground zero mosque near the World Trade Center site. Rauf’s father was connected to the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hasan al-Banna – a man who actively sought alliances with Hitler and Mussolini at a time when the United States focused on an actual enemy:

When World War II broke out, al-Banna worked to firm up a formal alliance with Hitler and Mussolini. He sent them letters and emissaries, and urged them to assist him in his struggle against the British and the westernized regime of Egypt’s King Farouk.

Perhaps the Muslim Brotherhood leader with the closest ties to Hitler was Hajj Amin al-Husseini. Minutes from a meeting between the two showed that both were eager to proclaim a public alliance but Hitler wanted to conquer Russia first, which would have allowed the Nazis and the Muslims to meet at the gates of the Caucasus mountain range; we all know what happened. Hitler failed in Russia.

On September 20th, 2001 during a joint session of Congress, President George W. Bush said,

Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists.

The Muslim Brotherhood long ago demonstrated that it – along with its subgroups – is with the (Islamic) terrorists. Had our congress declared war on them after 9/11, thereby demonizing and vilifying them, our military wouldn’t be fighting ghosts and our citizens wouldn’t be fighting to prevent a monument to conquest from being constructed on hallowed ground.

It should be obvious that the term “political correctness” is nothing more than a politically correct way of saying “cowardice”.