New and Social Media are dominant forces in information distribution today, and even the military has adopted the use of both. Of course, members of the military were a driving force in that, as they used both to keep family and friends up to date with what was happening to them overseas. When specialized military news sites, like Blackfive and Mudville Gazette came along, the reach to larger audiences became apparent and have led directly to sites such as this one.

That is one reason that the Blog World and New Media Expo has featured a military track the last few years. It is also a reason that a free membership to that track, and to the exhibit hall, is being offered to all current and former members of the armed forces.

Says Blog World CEO Rick Calvert:

The military secures our freedoms, including our ability to blog about any and all topics. Social Media has changed the way we all communicate in our personal and business lives and the military is no exception. Blogs and social networking tools have been a godsend to Military personal deployed half a world away from their loved ones; allowing them to communicate with their families easier than ever before. Many of them (and their spouses) also generously share their experiences on their personal blogs, giving civilians a much deeper understanding of the level of sacrifice our men and women in the armed forces make for our freedoms. It is truly our honor and pleasure to provide them this free pass.

I should tell you that I am the person putting together the military track, in the interest of transparency. I should also tell you that we are encouraging people to pre-register for the free membership, as there are some things in work that have the potential to literally fill the room. The panels are:

Panel 1: TBD (a surprise)

Panel 2: Social Media: Force Multiplier for Spouses?

Panel 3: Ideal versus Field: Social and New Media In Less Than The Best Circumstances

Panel 4: Media and the Military: Myth versus Reality

There is more to come on the panels, but to give an example, here’s some more on Panel 2:

New and Social media have changed how spouses communicate with each other and share information within their companies and with other groups. It also is changing how spouses cope with the stresses of being separated and with having their other halves in harm’s way. Join spouse blogger and journalist Cassy Fiano, journalist and commentator Melissa Clothier, and spouse blogger Cassandra of Villainous Company as they explore how changes in media and technology are changing the world of spouse blogging.

It is a pleasure to announce that milblogger, author, and documentary film maker JD Johannes and science fiction author Tom Kratman will be taking part in the Media and the Military panel.

The pre-registration, and distribution of the registration information at a later date, is being done by Cooking with the Troops Inc, a public charity that supports U.S. and Allied troops, their families, and caregivers. To pre-register, simply send an e-mail to bwemil AT cwtt DOTHERE org that gives your name, branch of service and dates, and anyone you would like to register with you. More information can be found here as well. Again, in the interest of transparency, I am a co-founder and CEO of Cooking with the Troops.

If you are military or interested in the military, I hope to see you at the military track at Blog World.