A surprisingly honest pro-global warming film meant to promote the UK “10:10” carbon reduction effort was recently pulled from its sponsoring organization’s website.

Believe it or not, this film is not a deliberate parody.

The purpose of the film is to encourage people to reduce their “carbon footprint” by 10% – you know, by shutting off lights, riding bikes, ceasing to exist.

Ceasing to exist counts for much more than a mere 10% of an individual’s “carbon footprint” though, and that’s a good thing. Of course, it’s much better if those who cease to exist aren’t on board with the global warming “cause.”

There is little doubt that global warming is something of a fraud, what with fraudulent data, fraudulent theories, fraudulent research, bad science, and heavy non-scientific pressure against “dissenters” to tow the party line. Little legitimate “hard science” exists in the global warming world though there’s lots of social engineering “science” and, of course, faith.

This is the same anti-human “science” that brought us such “humanitarian” solutions as eugenics.

Global warming proponents purport to be involved in a humanitarian effort that will benefit the entire world. They say that if they are not successful the entire world is lost, and so is all of humanity! The stakes could not be higher.

It is not surprising that after all the exposés about the fraud of GW “scientists” and their strong-arming and marginalization of opposition voices from respected real scientists across the world that a film such as this should appear from GW supporters. Global warming is much more about “faith”-based thinking than it is about intellectualism.

The message of the film is if you disagree with global warming concepts and don’t want to participate in anti-global warming efforts, then you are an obstructionist and will be blown up. By far more inadvertently honest and instructive than humorous the only funny part is that it was made by pro-global warming people.

Who are the worst polluters in the world? Who are the worst carbon criminals on the planet? Humans! According to this bizarre film, those who don’t participate in eradicating the scourge of global warming very well ought to be eliminated/blown up – and, they are!

Global warming nonsense is part of the new-agey silliness of Gaia worship and a revisiting of the related diminishment of humanity and elevation of “Mother Earth” over humans. Essentially, global warming is an anti-human, anti-progress, anti-intellectual, faith concept.

Humans are destroying the planet, they say. So, it makes perfect sense, at least in the global warming world and in the world of this bizarre film, that those who will not help to fix what they have ruined by existing – should be encouraged, by the push of a little ubiquitous button, to not exist. Their non-existence helps reduce carbon emissions, after all.

The film is about fixing problems, but it’s not really the global warming issue that needs to be resolved. The “problem” is that there are lazy, argumentative, obstructionists who will not cooperate to save the planet!

Saving the planet is a utopian concept because in doing so, “we all just get along” and we “save mother nature.” Those who oppose these beautiful things can’t be anything but … evil. In the global warming world humanity is secondary to “nature;” those who oppose the solution must be removed – in this case by being blown up when a global warming fan presses a little button on a magically available box.

Anyone who opposes the march of global warmingness will get the button pushed on them and *poof* (or more accurately, *splat*) they disappear – leaving behind a bloody, gory mess.

The movie is more a global warming proponent’s fantasy than a public service announcement.

Utopians always have a problem with those who don’t see things as they do. How lovely then it would be for them to have such a cute little button, and *poof* everybody not “on the team” will just … disappear. It’s of little moment that they leave such a mess when they do.

It should come as little surprise that the true believer – but tone deaf – filmmakers thought the film funny. Most of the 10:10 campaign’s corporate sponsors did not find the little movie quite so humorous quickly. Many, including Sony UK, quickly denounced the film and repudiated their connections to it.

Tone deafness is as common in ridiculous failed leftistoutreach campaigns (and their supporting films) as it is in ridiculous failed leftist politics. Utopians do not really understand humor (you know, because the pursuit of perfection is so “serious”).

When leftist, Utopian do-gooders try to “do” humor they sometimes give away much more than they intend.

If you see a little box with a button in the middle, and somebody asks you to do something to “help” but says that there’s “no pressure” – run.