What is it that the West doesn’t understand about the leaders of Iran and their belief in Allah?

Why is it that, after three decades, some people in the West still believe that America is at fault and that a softer tone of appeasement should be the way we treat our adversaries, such as the Islamic regime in Iran?

How is it that those same people can close their eyes to most heinous crimes committed by the fanatics in Iran and yet continue to hope for a breakthrough in talks with Ahmadinejad and the ruling mullahs – the very people responsible for those horrible acts?

Are they simply misguided? Or do they simply refuse to understand the philosophy and religion preached by the clerics in Iran? As Allah tells Mohammad in the Quran, he should celebrate the fact that his enemies are the stupid people, the idiots. That is exactly how the radicals in Iran view people in the West.

During Ahmadinejad’s stay in New York, many leaders and representatives of anti-war, labor and media rushed to private meeting with him. Among them were: Militant minister Louis Farrakhan along with members of the New Black Panther Party; former U.S. Congresswoman and Green Party presidential candidate for 2008 Cynthia McKinney of Georgia; poet and activist Amiri Baraka; MOVE Minister of Information Ramona Africa; International Action Center Co-Director Sara Flounders; Ardeshir and Eleanor Ommani, co-founders of the American-Iranian Friendship Committee; Former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark; Million Worker March Movement organizer Brenda Stokely; Shafeah M’balia of the Black Workers for Justice; Phil Wilayto of the Virginia Defenders for Freedom, Justice and Equality; Larry Holmes of the Bailout the People Movement; Don DeBar of Wbaix.org; Ryme Katkhouda of the People’s Media Center.

Back in Tehran, Ahmadinejad held a conference with the high-ranking Friday prayer leaders from across Iran and boasted that, “I was able to defy the American Reality,” and that during his visit in New York, he told the Americans their “sanctions meant nothing. America cannot do a damn thing, their power is rapidly depleting, and they will be brought down.” He continued by saying that the Islamic regime has managed to defy America from within and there is nothing they can do about it. What he said in the end though should be a blaring wake up call to all Americans: He claimed that “the conditions around the world are ripe for supporting our Islamic Revolutionary ideals and the messianic rule is close at hand.” He went a step further in a speech on Sunday with his insults towards the U.S. and it’s leaders, which were broadcast by the State television: “May the undertaker bury you, your table and your body, which has soiled the world.”

The radicals in Iran truly believe that the end days are at hand. They believe that by acquiring the nuclear bomb, they can facilitate the coming of the last messiah, Shiite’s 12th Imam, Mahdi. They further believe that Allah has empowered them because of the lack of action by America and the West. America’s failure to stop Iran from its pursuit of the bomb is seen by the radicals in Iran as yet another miracle by Allah as He has instilled fear in the enemies of Islam. Allah is on their side and there is no stopping them from carrying out their duties for Islam to conquer the world.

In the history of America, hundreds of thousands have made the ultimate sacrifice in the defense of freedom and democracy. Thousands more now serve selflessly in Iraq and Afghanistan for the same cause. These are our heroes. And those who choose to accept and enable evil to continue are responsible for shedding the innocent blood of those fighting for our liberty. Their failures and their names will be carved on the wall of shame. History will remember them as fools who lacked the courage to stand up for democracy and freedom.

On September 29th, President Obama signed an Executive Order sanctioning several Iranian officials for their crimes against the Iranian people and their severe violation of human rights. Now is the time to make a stand and hold those Iranian leaders responsible for actively plotting to kill our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. Now is the time to confront the Islamic regime for its refusal to stop their nuclear enrichment activity. Now is the time for President Obama to make it crystal clear that Iran must not be allowed to obtain the nuclear bomb. If that means war or a regime change in Tehran, then so be it.

Ahmadinejad and the clerics in Tehran need to know that America is not weak. They need to understand that we will not hesitate to take them out. They need to realize that Allah will provide them with the same protection that Saddam Hussein received!