Marxism/communism is the economic interpretation of history. The state must control sources of production and assets. Fidel began his Revolution by expropriating the sources of production and private assets in Cuba, including major US citizen’s assets. The United States retaliated by imposing an economic boycott, which has been modified to exclude foods and medicines. Few other nations have participated in the economic boycott. As a result nations which have loaned Cuba billions of dollars have not been paid. Cuba is bankrupt economically, forcing foreign trade mostly a cash basis. A bankrupt economy does not prevent Cuba from participating in an Economic War.

Chinese/Venezuela economic relations on the rise, including

purchase of Chinese K-8 Karakorum Military Training Jets

Latin America is a major part of the international Economic War. The goals are control or ownership of crude oil, natural gas, water, uranium, iron ore, copper, rare-earth metals, and other strategic natural resources. Additional goals are control of technology, cyber, markets, strategic locations, political parties, unions, universities, and other assets.

Venezuela is the classic example of natural resource Economic Warfare. Fidel Castro has sent from 30,000 to 40,000 Cuban intelligence, military, and civil servants to Venezuela to assist Chavez to maintain power and increasingly become a dictator. The goal is eventually to nationalize as many industries, the media, and ranches as possible as soon as possible. This also includes establishing the closest economic relations with radical regimes like the Ahmadinejad regime in Iran. It means embracing massive investments from China, Russia, and other nations, to the exclusion of US investments. Some nations have no restrictions comparable to the US criminal sanctions on bribery. Some nations have little interest in profit since their goal is control of the natural resources. So there often is not a level playing field regarding investment in or development of Latin American resources.

Control of technology is essential to economic development. Innovation can develop in any nation. Mathematics is universal and scientific laws are the same in every nation. Any nation can develop technological innovations, but it is the application of technology, military or commercial which is the key issue. The Cuban intelligence has a requirement to acquire any foreign technology which can increase the industrial development of Cuba. The future or lack of future technology innovation often depends largely on the educational system, especially universities. Communists always look at long range goals and university infiltration has always been a communist goal. Cuba is foremost in the infiltration of universities, especially when idealist youth can be easily influenced by idealist ideologies like utopian Marxism or Castro Socialism.

As part of the Economic War, there is a race to control strategic locations, such as the various world canals, shipping lanes, offshore sea beds, etc. For example, China now has the repair contracts on both ends of the Panama Canal. China has purchased an old military base in Vancouver area, a repair facility in San Diego area, a repair facility in the Bahamas, and extensive facilities in Cuba.

Cubans have worked for 50 years to control or influence foreign labor unions, social organizations, and student groups. Fidel at the University of Havana wanted to control the student group FEU and he attempted to kill a rival student leader. Foreign labor unions have been another target of the Cubans. Most important the media has been a key target. Little has to be said about the ability of pre-1959 Castro to manipulate the US media. Today there are US journalists writing pro Fidel articles, even after 50 years of totalitarian dictatorship. For example in 1959 in Cuba the well managed television station CMQ was totally infiltrated by communists. The CMQ personnel manager was an infiltrated communist and he covertly hired several communists. One day the CMQ owners realized their key CMQ employees were communists and the owners no longer really controlled their television station.

Even without the Castro brothers, the Latin American Economic War will continue.