Tonight, World Net Daily continued its pathbreaking coverage of what amounts to an assault on the conservative movement. Ironically, this assault is not coming from outside the movement’s ranks. Rather, it is being perpetrated by some of the key organizers of the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) next month in Washington.

First, WND revealed troubling information about the apparent misappropriation of $400,000 in ACU funds, embroiling Chairman David Keene and two of his family members who worked for the organization in unwanted controversy at a critical moment.

Then, World Net Daily broke the story that prominent organizations like the Family Research Council and Concerned Women for America declined to co-sponsor this year’s CPAC event in response to the so-called inclusive, “big tent” approach on homosexuality and other social issues increasingly taken at the direction of CPAC’s host, the American Conservative Union (ACU).

Then, this evening, WND raised troubling questions about the role being played by two ACU board members, Grover Norquist of Americans for Tax Reform and Suhail Khan of the so-called Conservative Inclusion Coalition, in connection with their efforts to promote at CPAC issues and individuals associated with the Muslim Brotherhood (MB).

I was among those quoted in the latest article about Messrs. Norquist and Khan’s troubling involvement for over a decade in causes profoundly at odds with U.S. security and national interests. In particular, Grover Norquist helped found and operate a Muslim organization with seed money and staffing from the man who was, at the time, the preeminent MB/al Qaeda financier. He has been a champion of:

Norquist and Khan’s problematic roles and associations are discussed in Shariah: The Threat to America. It is devoutly to be hoped that they, among many other aspects of the Muslim Brotherhood’s determined bid to insinuate shariah into the United States, will also receive close scrutiny in the course of the potentially momentous hearings into “radical Islam” that incoming House Homeland Security Committee chairman Rep. Pete King has pledged to convene in the weeks ahead.

Either way, the information laid out by World Net Daily about serious problems within the conservative movement can no longer be ignored. Neither can those responsible for introducing those problems safely or responsibly continue to be tolerated, let alone protected, by leaders of the movement.

It is time to choose.