Obama fundraiser group Code Pink issued an emergency appeal on Thursday for thousands of dollars to help the group overthrow the Egyptian government of Hosni Mubarak.

Code Pink, which has a history of working with enemies of the Egyptian government Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, said in the appeal it wanted to raise $5,000 to fund “the next big uprising” against the Egyptian government on Friday.

As we reported previously, Code Pink has been on the ground in Cairo since the beginning of the uprising. The group has made nine trips to Egypt in the past two years as part of a campaign to undermine the Egyptian government and the blockade against Hamas-controlled Gaza.

The headline for the appeal published at the Web site of Code Pink’s fundraising partner Democracy in Action reads:

“Help us raise $5,000 in emergency funds today to support the Egyptian revolution!”

Code Pink co-founder Medea Benjamin posted on Twitter from Egypt at 3:19 a.m. Cairo time on Friday that more than $10,000 had already been raised.

In the appeal, Code Pink urges supporters to send cute little puppies and kittens to the demonstrators. Not really. They actually urge Code Pink’s dupes to “send flowers and supplies to the demonstrators!”

Yes, Code Pink wants to replicate the famous 1967 photo of a propaganda stunt where a protester against the Vietnam war placed flowers in the barrels of rifles held by soldiers at the Pentagon:

The next major demonstration in Egypt has been called for this Friday after prayers. People are desperate for it to be a peaceful mobilization. The demonstrators have a plan to deliver hundreds of flowers to demonstrators, wounded protesters, and to the gun barrels of the Army’s tanks during the next big uprising on Friday after prayers.

Of course Code Pink has more in mind than just a propaganda stunt. The group also claims that donations exceeding the five dollars requested for flowers will “buy blankets, food and medicines for the protesters in the streets.” Sure.

Code Pink says it is a 501-c3 tax exempt organization and posts the tax ID number 95-4658841 on the fundraising appeal. Code Pink says on the appeal, “any donation you make over the $5 is a tax-deductible contribution to CODEPINK.”

That’s right. Who knew funding the overthrow of U.S. allies was a tax exempt charitable act?

One has to wonder, how will Code Pink account to the IRS for the expenditures–not that the Obama administration will investigate a group co-founded by Jodie Evans who is one of President Barack Obama’s top presidential fundraisers.

Being that 501-c3 organizations are prohibited from raising or spending money for candidates or partisan political activity, how can it be lawful to raise and spend tax exempt funds to overthrow a government? Again, Code Pink states upfront the money is to “support the Egyptian revolution!”

There is no guarantee that Code Pink will spend the money solely on “flowers…blankets, food and medicines for the protesters in the streets.” As the group says at the end of the appeal, “Our CODEPINK team is on the ground in Cairo doing everything we can to support the movement.” Will the “CODEPINK team” dip into the donations to cover their expenses? Will they be buying hash, cigarettes and liquor in the Cairo streets or hookah bars? Will some of that money be used by protesters to buy Molotov cocktail supplies, or worse?

Code Pink has a history of working with and giving humanitarian aid to terrorist groups like Hamas. It passes itself off as non-violent but supports those who engage in violence against America and her allies–especially Israel. Code Pink knows that humanitarian aid relieves pressure on groups to provide the basics to combatants and their families so that the tools of revolution can be bought and morale maintained.

Sure, Code Pink says the money is for flowers, blankets, food and medicine. But who will get the aid? We already know what they will do with the aid–work to overthrow America’s Egyptian ally and staunch defender against Code Pink’s partners Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.