If you’ve been a longtime, stalwart ally of the United States, you’d better run for your life.

Since Barack Obama has been president, he has managed to diss each one of our allies, in varying degrees of seriousness from merely insulting to full-on betrayal.

Most recently, Obama threw our ally of three decades, now-former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak, under the bus in record time. Crowds of indeterminate nature in the streets? See ya, Mubarak! Nice knowin’ ya. Now scram.

It appears that Obama is confused by the whole “for us” and “against us” division.

When he first entered the White House, Obama dissed our greatest ally, the British, by returning a bust of Winston Churchill, the savior of Western civilization. The bust was a gift from the British, but the Bama needed to make room for all of those photos of Michelle with her buff arms, so something had to go. He also dissed the British by giving the Prime Minister DVDs that he was unable to watch on European players, and to the Queen, an iPod….loaded with his own speeches. Her Majesty was all, “WTF?”

Not to mention handing over to Russia British nuclear secrets that the British begged Obama not to divulge. Yo, Vlad: the Brits have 6 nuclear subs fitted with 30 nuclear warheads each. Liz: don’t sweat it. it’s just your top secret national security stuff.

He dissed the French by arriving in Paris only to turn down a dinner invitation from French president Nicolas Sarkozy. Seriously: no one does that. Not only is that a breach of presidential protocol, but it’s stupid. Have the Obamas ever tasted French food??

He dissed our South Korean allies by refusing to deal aggressively with their (and our) North Korean enemy on its nuclear program, its proliferation, its attack of a South Korean ship that killed 46 South Korean citizens, and its military assault on the South that killed several civilians. The message South Korea and another great ally, Japan, took from this? You’re on your own. Good luck with that whole North Korean nightmare thingy. And that Chinese colossus thingy too.

And he has royally dissed our great Israeli allies, by publicly and relentlessly demanding an end to settlement construction—without demanding reciprocal concessions from the Palestinian side. Now we hear that Team Obama is taking the diss a step further and will support a U.N. Security Council statement rebuking Israel over the settlements issue. The Middle East is aflame, Israel’s enemies are on the march, there may not be an

Israeli-Egyptian peace much longer, Iran is now on all sides of Israel in the form of Hamas and Hezbollah, and Iran itself is working feverishly on a nuclear weapon with which to destroy Israel, and Obama thinks now would be a good time to turn our back on her.

This is how he treats our friends. But if you’re an enemy of the United States, no problem! Let’s talk, Iran! Let’s negotiate, Russia! Let’s deal, North Korea! Sit down for a splashy state dinner, China! What up, Hugo Chavez!

You can’t treat allies like this and expect them to be allies for long. Maybe that’s the point. Maybe the point is to poison our strongest and best relationships and reward our enemies. Maybe the point is to weaken the United States and our place in the world in order to create….a new world order….in which we have been taken down and the bad guys have been elevated. The actions of the American president have followed enough of a pattern for enough time that it’s clear he’s more comfortable in bed with the bad guys than with our friends.

Obama has taken us into the years of living dangerously.