There is a coming Energy Crisis in the US. The key to being a successful politician or member of a government agency is to appear never to be responsible for a crisis.

Is the Department of Energy responsible for the coming Energy crisis since their mission is US Energy policy?

Is the real agency responsible for the US Energy policy the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)?

There is a political struggle in Washington today regarding our Energy policy, which quietly is being reflected in our current Budget debates. With the unprecedented federal deficits our nation must have budget cuts. The issue is what federal government agency budgets should be cut how deeply?

One group of politicians feels the EPA budget is not being cut enough. The other group of politicians feels the EPA budget is being cut so deeply it will destroy the vital mission of the EPA. The central issue is what agency should control the US Energy policy.

In the next few weeks there will be great debates regarding our Federal Budget. Watch what happens to the EPA budget. The deeper the EPA budget cuts, the less influence the EPA will have on control of the US Energy policy.

Whether the DOE or the EPA controls US Energy policy, we shall still have a major Energy problem as long as we are highly dependent on foreign crude oil.