Last week, the Frankfurt, Germany airport jihadist and murderer, Arid Uka, who killed two soldiers and wounded 2 others said, “I did it for Allah“. This was no isolated incident, any more than Nidal Malik Hasan, the army major who killed 13 soldiers and wounded 32 others at Ft. Hood was isolated.

Mark Steyn in his seminal work, America”>America Alone: The End of the World as We Know It, ridiculed the political and the media elites for fretting about global warming, when the real threat facing the West was radical Islamism. He was right. Global warming has not killed a single person in the last 50 years and is unlikely to harm a single person in the next 50. In stark contrast, Islamic jihadism has killed tens of thousands in just the past decade and will likely see an increase in the number of killings in the decades to come. The geo-political threat of domination by Islam is no longer just a theory; Europe has already surrendered to the Islamists and oil had little to do with it.

The revolutions broiling this week throughout the Arabic world are sowing fear and uncertainty throughout Europe as they now brace for a new influx of tens of thousand of more Islamic refugees. Italian Defense Minister Ignazio La Russa warned Europe to prepare for on a “biblical scale” from the fighting.

But Minister Ignazio doesn’t have to just worry about a new, tidal wave of immigration. They’ve already lost the demographic battle against the onslaught of Islamic population growth in Europe. In Italy, for example, the fertility rate is 1.2 per couple, not enough to reproduce themselves. However, according to liberal Brookings Institute, the Muslim birth rate in Europe is three times higher than the non-Muslim one.

The new reality: mosque overflow in Paris as worshippers block a public street

In Rotterdam, a major port city of Holland, the Muslim population is 40%. Why is France so anti-Israel? There are now nearly 10 million newly arrived Muslims compared to just 700,000 Jews. That’s all you need to know.

The most popular boy’s name in Belgium has been Mohammed since 2005. England has now joined that hit parade. Mohammed is now the most common name in Britain, ahead of Jack and Harry.

Dutch parliamentarian Geert Wilders, an outspoken critic of Islam and Sharia law was banned from travel to the UK. That’s not all, the Islamists are now so powerful in Europe, that they managed to get Geert Wilders arrested and put on trial in Holland. Mr. Wilders said:

“The lights are going out all over Europe. All over the continent where our culture flourished and where man created freedom, prosperity and civilization. All over Europe the elites are acting as the protectors of an ideology that has been bent on destroying us since fourteen centuries. An ideology that has sprung from the desert and that can produce only deserts because it does not give people freedom. The Islamic Mozart, the Islamic Gerard Reve [a Dutch author], the Islamic Bill Gates; they do not exist because without freedom there is no creativity. The ideology of Islam is especially noted for killing and oppression and can only produce societies that are backward and impoverished. Surprisingly, the elites do not want to hear any criticism of this ideology.”

For these words, he was put on trial in Holland for hate speech. Welcome to the Brave New World. We’re all doomed.

Wilders produced a movie that created a stir in Europe and inflamed Islamists. You can watch the controversial movie Fitna here:

BgQdZgojOFI There are some miniscule signs of life from the dead in Europe. But it’s most likely the efforts are both far too little and late. In some cases, they’re even nailing their own coffin by moving in the wrong direction.

Forget Afghanistan and Pakistan. The battleground is in Europe. And it’s now over; Europe lost. We can now welcome Europe to the brave new world of Sharia law. We can no longer help a dying Europe, which we already rescued twice in two World Wars, by sending in the Marines. All we can do now is send in the flowers and the grave diggers and give Europe a dignified burial.