There is a point which is being missed in the current Gaddafi-the-tyrant issue. Years ago it was understood Gaddafi was a monster. Our intelligence indicated he gave the direct order to blow up Pan American flight 103 in 1988 killing 270 people; he gave the order to blow up an American servicemen’s night club in Berlin; and he was building a nuclear weapon. He was an ”espantoso” ruler and President Reagan had ample reason to bomb his compound.

What caused the Western nations for years to accept Gaddafi the monster as a reasonable ruler?

The widely accepted story is that Gaddafi’s Western educated son explained the coming demographic changes in Europe in which the Moslem religion will become dominate in a few decades. There is a marked decrease in European birth rate; a major increase in European Moslem birth rate; a major conversion of Christian Europeans to the Moslem religion; and a major migration from Moslem nations to Europe.

Gaddafi then cancelled his nuclear weapons program and announced he would accept foreign investment to develop Libyan oil reserves. For several years Gaddafi halted his terrorism and was accepted in the international community.

What Gaddafi does not understand is the Communication Revolution. He outlawed stadium soccer games in Libya because he did not want several thousand together to create demonstrations. In Egypt 500,000 can unit via Face Book and organize massive demonstration to change governments. In ancient Greece there were tyrants. Tyrants are not a modern development. But today tyrants must face the Communication Revolution.

Back to the reason Gaddafi allegedly changed his confrontational attitude towards Europe. Hispanics well know it was 711 the Moslem Umayyads first invaded the Iberian Peninsula. The spread of Moslem forces was stopped at the Battle of Tours in 732. The fate of Europe is now in the hands of European youth. The puzzling question is why are young Christians converting to the Moslem religion? Roman Catholic Bishop Dolan in NY notes for the first time large numbers of Roman Catholics worldwide are no longer active in the Church. The major Protestant religions are losing membership. The family unit is breaking down with massive numbers of unwed births and large numbers of divorces. The young generation is looking for a feeling of belonging; the press is attacking the Catholic Church for pedophile priests; and there is a perceived lack of purpose in many Christian churches.

As Hispanics we would say “cuidado los moros estan en la costa.”

Be prepared for vast demographic changes in Europe.