Exactly what kind of foreign policy are we getting from the Obama Administration? Some say its a repeat of the Carter Administration. Others say Obama’s a neocon at heart. Still others think he’s an anti-colonialist. I contend they are all wrong. What we are seeing is something completely new: I call it “Metrosexual Foreign Policy.”

Meterosexuals are consumed with image, consumerism, and symbolism, and they reject traditional forms of masculinity. This is precisely what Obama has done in almost every form. The Libya intervention is a test case for Metrosexual leadership. Metrosexuals believe that they are more sophisticated and elegant than others. Obama’s foreign policy failures are precisely because he embraces these metrosexual precepts. To wit:

1. Trying to look strong is not the same as being strong. Obama is obsessed with the imagery of strength and authority. Remember those Roman or Greek columns during the campaign? Or his rhetoric that Gaddafi must go? But he is incapable of understanding what real strength is. Saying something doesn’t means it happens. Community organizing is all about playing off of the guilt and vulnerabilities of others. It is fundamentally an act of manipulation, not strength. Obama has not learned to act with authority and integrity.

2. The world doesn’t care if you are smart and sophisticated. Meterosexuals are in awe of “smarts” and sophistication. Obama’s rhetorical highs and stylish manner does not impress other heads of state. Clearly the Obama political message is that he is one smart guy. (I don’t share that view, but let’s assume it’s correct for a minute.) Foreign leaders don’t seek wisdom from other heads of state. They are interested in advancing their own country’s interests. If they can play to a foreign leaders vanity, they will. And in the case of a Obama you have a sense that this is going on by both friends and enemies alike. How else to explain France’s ability to pull us in to the Libyan conflict? Foreign heads of state are interested in character: loyalty, strength, and honesty. It’s clear that Obama is frustrated that the world does not work the way he wants it to. Too bad. Character matters more than supposed smarts.

3. Masculinity is a necessary component of good leadership. Metrosexuals condemn traditional forms of masculinity–strength, honor, and a code of justice. But masculinity is essential to good leadership and an effective foreign policy. It does matter whether to bow to a foreign king or head of state. Others will see it as weakness when you do. Toughness, even with friends at times, is essential. By the way, masculinity here includes character traits, and has nothing to do with gender. Margaret Thatcher had a very masculine leadership style. She is far more masculine that President Obama.

Obama’s foreign policy challenges begin not with his advisors or a leftist worldview. They begin with him. Metrosexuals don’t do foreign policy well.