On Friday April 22nd, the Iranian Fars News Agency reported that the Iranian Defense Minister, Ahmad Vahidi, is scheduled to pay a visit to the Iraqi capital city of Baghdad in the near future. A high-ranking delegation, including military and defense officials, will accompany Vahidi during the visit. The Iranian delegation will meet with Iraqi officials to discuss the regional developments and boost military and defense cooperation.

Terrorist to visit Iraq

The Iranian Defense Minister, Ahmad Vahidi, became the Revolutionary Guards’ chief intelligence commander early on in the Revolution. He received orders from Ayatollah Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic Republic, to take the fight to the Americans and Israelis. It was then that he started the organization in the Guards’ units to expand the Islamic Revolution ideology in the region.

Ahmad Vahidi was at the helm when the order went out for the simultaneous truck bombings against the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut and French paratroopers, which killed 241 Marines and 58 French soldiers. Mr. Vahidi later became the first chief commander of the Quds Force directly in charge of worldwide terrorism against America, Israel, and the West. He established ties with al-Qaeda and expanded his network of terrorism, which was then fully established through the auspices of Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, and other terrorist groups around the world.

Mr. Vahidi is on the Interpol’s most wanted for the bombing of the Jewish community center in Buenos Aires in 1994, which killed 85 and injured hundreds. As the defense minister, Mr. Vahidi is directly responsible for the Iranian nuclear bomb and missile programs, and is also in charge of the proliferation of arms to Syria, Venezuela, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, Taliban, and North African countries.

The Iranian leaders will see Mr. Vahidi’s trip to Iraq as a victory over America, as it was his very policies that armed the Iraqi Shiite militias meant to harm and bring down U.S. forces in Iraq.

American officials had better object to the travel of this evil mastermind of a terrorist and send a clear signal that those who have brought us harm will never be forgotten or forgiven!