On May 26th of this year, I had a post on Big Peace titled “President Sean Patrick Michael O’Bannon Hussein McGonalan O’Bama.” In it, I examined how Obama tries to be all things to men in a way that’s simply over the top. (The specific example at issue in the post was how Obama had tried to fake an Irish accent while giving a speech in Ireland.)

Of course, the terribly faked accent was, at that time, just the latest in a string of embarrassing incidents that included everything from apologizing for American’s superpower status to kissing the ring of the King of Saudi Arabia to trying to appease Muslim’s by telling them of the important role their religion played in U.S. history.

(If you’re shaking your head in disbelief, don’t worry. Sometimes, when I read the things I’m typing about liberals I have to stand up, walk to the window, and look out just to be sure the world is still as it was when I sat down.)

Nonetheless, Obama has now upped the ante via his June 15th trip to Puerto Rico. There he gave a speech in which he not only explained how he’s buying the votes of every Puerto Rican who’s willing to play along, he also purposely over-enunciated the words “Puerto Rico” in what seemed like a strained attempt to sound Puerto Rican.

What made it even worse is that he said the words “Puerto Rico” four times over a period of about one minute forty-six seconds early in the speech. In the first of those instances he sounded like a Chicagoan (1:24 mark on this link), in the second he over enunciated in an effort to sound Puerto Rican (1:44 on the link), in the third he enunciated it like someone would who was just learning the language (2:13 on the link), and in the fourth he sounded like a Chicagoan again (3:05 on the link).

To be honest, in the over enunciated one, Obama’s fervor was reminiscent of when crazy ol’ Al Gore accused George W. Bush of exaggerating the terrorist threat in order to get re-elected. (That’s when Gore did his best imitation of a cross between Fat Albert and Foghorn Leghorn by screaming, “he played on our fears.”)

Anyway, now our President has decided to sound Puerto Rican so he can sure up their votes for 2012. So I guess we need to change his name again.

Therefore, Ladies and Gentlemen, behold your President: Juan de Barrack Miguel O’Malley Hussein Patrick McShea Jorge O’Bamasito Lupe de Guadalajara Jesus con Carne.