Pamela Geller in Tampa Rally for Fatima Abdallah

A rally for Fatima Abdallah was held in Tampa on Friday, June 10, 2011 at Lykes Gaslight Park in front of Tampa Police Department headquarters. The purpose of the rally was to shed light and bring national attention to the suspicious circumstances surrounding her death.

Pamela Geller, Executive Director of the American Freedom Defense Initiative/Stop the Islamization of America AFDI/SIOA and Robert Spencer, Director of Jihad Watch, a program of the David Horowitz Freedom Center, came to Tampa to focus attention on this brutal crime and are appealing to concerned citizens to demand that the Tampa Police Department reopen this investigation. As Americans we cannot allow the basic human rights and freedoms for all we so proudly proclaim become overshadowed by deference to the creeping Shari’ah that has become evident in many areas of the country.

As stated in an earlier article, Fatima Abdallah lived in Tampa with several family members, and died on August 16, 2009. Three police personnel at the scene reported three different conclusions; that the cause of death appeared to be a “homicide”, “unexplained” and “undetermined.” The coroner’s report states on the Final Determination of Cause of Death that the “Decedent fell and struck her head“.

Earlier this year, David Caton of the Florida Family Association hired a private investigator to review all of the information surrounding this case, and his conclusion, amid all of the conflicting stories provided by her family, is that the injuries that resulted in Fatima’s death were not self-inflicted.

This case must be reopened. The truth must be told. If Fatima’s death was the result of an “honor” killing, an investigation must be ordered to bring those responsible to justice.

Where are the moderate Muslims who profess that they have come to the United States to practice their peaceful religion away from the radical misogynistic Shari’ah-obedient Islamic cultures they left? No one has spoken up on behalf of Fatima. No one has come forward denouncing this cruel barbarism.

Where is the National Organization of Women? Its platform declares its dedication to Stopping Violence against Women. NOW’s 2011 National Conference: Daring to Dream: Building a Feminist Future, will be held in Tampa on June 24th through June 26th. Tampa Police Department Chief Jane Castor will be one of the speakers at this convention.

How is it that the Tampa Police Department did not pursue an investigation into this case? The reports have glaring contradictions throughout, too numerous to mention here. Photographs reveal a horrifically brutalized and beaten woman. It is not possible that she could have inflicted these injuries on herself, as family witnesses assert.

After reading the reports and viewing the photographs, one must conclude that this woman was brutally murdered. It is not Islamophobic to want to see justice done in the case of Fatima Abdallah. What is Islamophobic is a police department too concerned with being politically correct, that it would prefer to allow this case to be filed away as a suicide and wipe its hands of this “messy” situation, than to adhere to the law and its responsibility to protect and to serve the people of this community and investigate and prosecute the perpetrator(s) of this vicious crime.