Independence Day represents the spirit of those courageous souls, with their deep devotion to God, who made great sacrifices to make America the greatest nation on earth. People from all parts of the world came to America to pursue the dream of freedom, justice, equality and dignity for humankind. America became the land where the impossible became possible and the sky became the limit for the aspirations of its people; where the desire for freedom and innovation changed the world forever.

Let us remember the sacrifices of those before us who plowed through hardship, pain and hopelessness to help America rise up above all and who gave the world a reason to look forward. Let us remember on this day that, as an American, we bear the responsibility to carry on our duty to the very principles that made this country the shining light for freedom and democracy. Let us remember that in greatness, we must be great; that through our devotion to Almighty God, we will never sidestep our principles; that we will leave a better America, for the future generations and for the world, than the one we inherited.

God bless America and God bless those who sacrifice their lives to defend freedom, not only for America, but for all humankind.