Since the inception of Operation Odyssey Dawn, the United States and its allies have half-heartedly executed military intervention operations against the Qaddafi regime. Numerous nation states immediately signed on with this operation pressuring the United States to eventually commit. This fiasco’s orchestration is as ugly as a WWE Battle Royal.

As the last one pulled into the ring by our European allies, it appears that the United States will soon be the last one out–a true bait and switch operation among the Europeans.

Today, alarming news related to the Libyan catastrophe has unfolded. Very few are covering these activities as they remain under the radar. Many coalition partners are returning home and the Qaddafi regime, while taking some serious blows, has made a bold move in strengthening its posture.

Norway has decided that going the full distance in this Battle Royal is just not a game they would like to play. They have removed their F-16 fighter aircraft from the region as their desired one punch knockout failed to land in the country. The Norwegians made some good jabs but could never execute the combination punch they were looking for and decided to simply walk out of the ring.

France, the European superstar of this battle royal, has been crippled and appears to be on its last leg standing. Their greatest tool used in this calamity is now broken and needs repair–the Charles De Gaulle aircraft carrier. Reports indicate that numerous tools like fighter jets strategically positioned in Sicily remain in their arsenal so they are not completely out of the game yet, but time will tell.

Without the Charles De Gaulle and now with Italy’s removal of their aircraft carrier, the Garibaldi, the United States must consume a seriously high powered energy drink and clean house–a serious possibility considering a quick win needed by the Obama administration prior to the elections. But what trick move will our President make?

The United States displayed its moves fighting asymmetric threats in the past decade. With ten years in Afghanistan and approximately seven in Iraq and throughout the Horn of Africa, mega moves like body slams and pile drivers have already been observed by our enemies. So what can be done by the world’s greatest super star?

In a serious attempt to achieve victory over the evil villain Colonel Qaddafi, the United States has decided to recruit the “Dark Horse”–the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group. With over 30 billion dollars in frozen assets, the United States has decided to fund these terrorists who virtually oversea rebel forces in Libya. Needless to say, Colonel Qaddafi is doing his best to counter.

The Colonel used his son Seif al-Islam Qadhafi to broker a deal with Libyan rebels–rebels predominantly controlled by the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group. Seif Qadhafi reached out to Islamic extremist Dr. Ali Sallabi for negotiations. Dr. Sallabi, a Qatari based Libyan Islamists, has worked closely with the LIFG and Al Qaeda back in 2009. Islamists love aligning with one another to defeat the infidels but will $30 Billion in frozen assets be enough to keep these rebels in good standing with the United States?

It’s apparent that numerous bait and switch tactics have occurred throughout the recent debacle in Libya. Coalition forces are throwing themselves out of the ring and the United States seems to have poorly attempted to bring on the very same dark horse Qaddafi would love on his side. Children’s hero Hulk Hogan was capable of body slamming the evil Andre the Giant in Wrestle Mania III raising the world to its feet but such a theatrically orchestrated skit is unlikely in today’s Battle Royal taking place in Libya.

Kerry Patton is the Co-Founder of the National Security Leadership Foundation, a non-profit organization pending 501c (3) status. He has worked in South America, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and Europe, focusing on intelligence and security interviewing current and former terrorists, including members of the Taliban. He is the author of “Sociocultural Intelligence: The New Discipline of Intelligence Studies” and the children’s book “American Patriotism.” You can follow him on Facebook.