The U.S. State Department released its annual Country Reports on Terrorism earlier this week. This Congressionally mandated report provides an assessment of trends and events in international terrorism that transpired from January 1 to December 31, 2010. Besides fulfilling a Congressional requirement, this publication is meant to enhance the public’s understanding and situational awareness of the international terrorist threat–a threat which increased last year.

Terrorist activity increased by approximately 5% in 2010 in comparison to 2009. The Middle East, specifically Iraq, and Central Asia (Afghanistan and Pakistan) could be responsible for the rise in international terrorism considering these two regions had an increase of approximately 1,500 terrorist incidents in 2010 in comparison to 2009. Three nations are truly responsible for the recent rise in terrorist activity–the United States, Iran, and Pakistan.

First and foremost, the United States is responsible for some of today’s terrorist activities in the Middle East and Central Asia–a point many Americans do not want to hear. As a nation, we have entered foreign nation states since 9-11 and implemented successful military operations toppling rogue regimes that sponsored terrorism; yet, we became utterly lost in transition soon after our tactical successes due to nation building operations.

Our cloud of confusion in transition can easily be argued as to why countries like Afghanistan and Iraq continuously witness terrorist activities–simply put, our perceptions do not align with the perceptions among those we attempt to influence.

Iraq has been ruled by dictators. Culturally, while the majority of the people would love a free democratic state, some would rather be ruled by austere ruthlessness. Many of the minorities have turned to terrorism and they are being supported by Iran.

Today, terrorist activities have resulted in Iraq through Iranian regeneration of terrorist networks in country. Strategically, it is with good reason why some are critical towards the withdrawal of U.S. troops in Iraq–Iran has taken over. The State Department was correct in listing Iran as one of the four nations listed as State Sponsors of Terrorism.

A fifth nation should have been listed as a State Sponsor of Terrorism–Pakistan. The United States successfully defeated the Taliban government in Afghanistan back in 2002/2003. The Taliban along with their Al Qaeda counterparts withdrew into western Pakistani tribal regions. The Pakistani ISI has continuously assisted numerous elements of militant Pashtu organizations dating back to the 1980’s–and they still do today.

The world witnessed how close the Pakistani government is willing to work with Al Qaeda after the successful Osama Bin Laden kill mission which resulted right next door to one of the largest Pakistani military training facilities in Abbottabad, Pakistan. Pakistan has provided logistics, intelligence, and even a safe haven to our enemies yet we still provide them billions of dollars in foreign aid. Not only do we continue to be used like a puppet by Pakistan, we refuse to acknowledge that Pakistan is a State Sponsor of Terrorism.

The release of the U.S. State Department’s Country Reports on Terrorism is more than insightful. With over 255 pages written, it sheds some light on what is going on in the world. Interested readers will likely scratch their heads wondering why the United States remains so ignorant in dealing with such worldly phenomenon’s ranging from terrorism to rogue regimes. It is our ignorance that can be partially blamed for some of the 11,604 global terrorist incidents in 2010.

Kerry Patton is the Co-Founder of the National Security Leadership Foundation, a non-profit organization pending 501c (3) status. He has worked in South America, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and Europe, focusing on intelligence and security interviewing current and former terrorists, including members of the Taliban. He is the author of “Sociocultural Intelligence: The New Discipline of Intelligence Studies” and the children’s book “American Patriotism.” You can follow him on Facebook