Gawker picked up a story from McClatchy’s “Suits & Sentences” blog. The story, “Court case a reminder to Marines not to wear full uniforms during porn shoot,” links to the primary source document from the Navy JAG website. Based on that primary source document I have to ask the question: Is it okay for currently serving Servicemembers to wear parts of their uniforms while performing in pornography production (and being paid to do so)?

The entry on “Suits & Sentences” extracts (verbatim) two key paragraphs from the court ruling that leads me to ask the question I just wrote. Please go to the story on “Suits & Sentences” to read those key paragraphs (and read the entire primary source document if you like–it’s seven pages).

This story deserves much more attention. However, since I’m not a lawyer, I’m not entirely sure if it says what I think it says and I want to look into it further. And so I am not making any accusations or judgments. I have many questions about it and I plan to write on this in the future. (I also need to know what this ruling means so that I can properly enforce uniform standards as I continue serving in the Army Reserve.) For now, though, I will simply remind people that the repeal of morality from the Armed Forces (i.e. DADT) went into effect this September.