Veterans for a Strong America has produced a powerful new ad condemning President Obama for spiking the football after the killing of Osama in Laden.  The ad starts with an NBC news anchor announcing Bin Laden has been killed.  As we see various shots of the heroic actions of the Navy, an announcer says, “There’ll be no parades. They’ve already gone back into the shadows, without the outside world even knowing their names.”

Over the tail end of that line, HEROES DON’T SEEK CREDIT is superimposed on the screen. Then there are a series of shots of Obama emphasizing his importance:

I can report

I directed Leon Panetta

I met repeatedly

I determined

Over the last two statements the screen shows the Washington Post boasting, “Shameless gall is an advantage in politics.”

The ad continues with more Obama narcissism

I called President Zardari

I, as Commander in Chief

The superimposition now reads:


Over various shots of the Seals performing heroically, the ad cuts to Obama saying, “We don’t need to spike the football.” followed by a Mother Jones quote, “Obama spikes the Bin Laden football.”  Obama says, “I said we’d go after Bin Laden if we had a clear shot at him, and I did.”

The ad is brilliant, powerful, and moving. More than that, it smacks Obama right between the eyes on overplaying his hand with regard to the Bin Laden kill. The Bin Laden kill could have been a major asset to Obama. Instead, because of his self-aggrandizement, it’s turning into a major liability.