Barack Obama said yesterday that the Republican message was so simplistic that it could be reduced to the 21st century equivalent of the bumper sticker: a tweet. At a fundraiser in Maryland, Obama said,

“You can pretty much put their campaign on a tweet and have some characters to spare.”

Squinting at his teleprompter, Obama continued:

“The good news is, the American people generally agree with our vision. If you just put it in front of them, issue after issue, and you present the Democratic approach and the Republican approach, we win. The challenge is because folks are still hurting right now, the other side feels that it’s enough for them to just sit back and say, ‘Things aren’t as good as they should be and it’s Obama’s fault.'”

Even when Obama tries to reduce his message to the bare minimum of words (and how often does that happen?) he fails. “Things aren’t as good as they should be and it’s Obama’s fault”? That’s pretty weak tea. How about:

The economy sucks and so does Obama.

No money, no job, no leadership.

Cash for clunkers – give Obama a check to get out.

But it’s doubtful Obama will learn to reduce his message to something effective; in order to obfuscate his record he needs to talk, and talk, and talk, so the drone of his voice has a somnolent effect and the country sleeps through its moment of crisis.

Republicans can easily reduce their message to a tweet because the message is simple: in every way, Obama’s a failure.