On Saturday, Libyans voted to move beyond the tyranny of Gaddafi and join the free world, as so many Western commentators who’d approved of the Libyan war had predicted. They thought Libyans would go from being a third world, or at least other-worldly country, overnight, if they could just select the right candidate. 

And that brings us to the candidates, where we quickly see that choices placed before Libyans are largely between Islamist A, Islamist B, and Islamist C. In fact, the honest commentator must admit, these are not candidates for the 21st century, but for the 7th. 

Perhaps the central thing to know about these elections, if you’re into predicting outcomes, is that the “Justice and Construction offshoot of Libya’s Muslim Brotherhood” is expected to do quite well. The bottom line–Libya could turn out to be Egypt 2.0. And if that happens, even the most strident of believers will have to admit that the Arab Spring is about to be followed by a brutal winter.